
One of the three pillars of the district’s strategic plan is a vibrant learning environment.

Our staff is committed to students’ academic growth and social and emotional wellbeing. 


The district has developed for each grade, K-8, an overivew of the curriculum and "I can... " statements, which detail what students will learn in each subject. These are aligned with NH state standards.

These documents will help families easily understand what their students should be learning throughout the school year.


i-Ready is an online program for reading and math that helps teachers determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning and monitor their progress throughout the school year.

i-Ready allows teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains.

Learn more about iReady

District Assessment Tools

The Hudson School District uses a variety of assessment tools to measure students’ understanding of content. The results are used to help tailor instruction in the classroom.

In daily instruction, formative assessments are used throughout a unit of study as a ‘check for understanding’ and help teachers and students identify areas that need additional reinforcement. 

Summative assessments are at the end of a unit of study and help a student demonstrate their full understanding. 

School-wide assessments allow us to monitor student learning throughout the year and give us the ability to make necessary adjustments to improve instruction and meet each student’s unique needs.  

The following are some of the assessments used in the Hudson School District:

  • i-Ready
  • NH Statewide Assessment System - statewide tests for English language arts and mathematics in grades 3-8 and science in grades 5, 8, and 11
  • The SAT | College Board - the SAT is administered to all New Hampshire students in grade 11
  • ACCESS - a comprehensive test for English language learners
  • Teacher created assessments

Student Computers

The Hudson School District is pleased to offer a one-to-one technology program to students in grades 2-12 attending Hills Garrison Elementary, Nottingham West Elementary, Hudson Memorial School or Alvirne High School. Hudson Memorial and Alvirne students are provided a dedicated laptop, enabling them to easily transition projects and research between home and school, as well as between classes throughout the day. For Hills Garrison and Nottingham West Elementary Schools, laptops are available for use in the buildings to enhance digital literacy.