Portrait of a Graduate
The Hudson School District started the journey in 2017 asking focus groups the question:
“What skills do students need to be successful after graduation?”
By March 2018, the focus group grew to the entire district with input from K-12 educators defining those skills. In 2019, the community stakeholders were asked the same essential question with the result going back to the educators. This Portrait of a Graduate has been the cornerstone of this strategic plan. The community of Hudson believes that our graduates should have the following skills:
I am a self-directed and responsible learner who is driven to achieve success for my education and future by:
- Using resources effectively to complete assigned tasks in a timely manner and according to classroom procedures.
- Taking ownership for my next steps for learning and challenge myself even when learning may be difficult.
- Reflecting on and adapting my approach to learning by identifying my strengths.
- Developing solutions to problems that I encounter and identifying misunderstandings.
- Accessing multiple appropriate resources to answer my questions.
- Understanding that my educational responsibilities extend outside of school.
I use various media and tools (personally and digitally) to connect and engage effectively with others to share and develop ideas by:
- Reading and comprehending instructional level literary and informational text and expressing my understandings appropriately to a target audience.
- Writing coherent sentences and paragraphs consistent with instructional level expectations and expressing my understanding to a target audience.
- Communicate clearly respective of the audience and purpose.
- Respectfully listen to, with eye contact, and provide various points of view.
- Working with others to find solutions to problems.
- Identifying misunderstandings in order to clarify thinking or communication.
- Using technology appropriately.
I demonstrate the traits that ethical, responsible, contributing citizens exhibit in a healthy community environment by:
- Conducting myself as a socially and civically responsible citizen in person and online.
- Adhering to rules and laws to ensure safety and security in the community in person and online.
- Using expected behavior in both familiar and unfamiliar settings.
- Presenting myself appropriately in appearance, attitude, and conduct in person and electronically both at home and at school.
- Taking pride in work, school, and community.
- Respecting school materials and property.
- Accepting consequences for my actions.
- Acknowledging that my individual actions can impact either positively or negatively to self and others.
- Increasing my exposure with others’ diversity of thought and being.
- Pursuing a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity and healthy eating.
I solve problems through critical thinking, curiosity and perseverance by:
- Identifying the root cause of an issue and developing an action plan.
- Setting goals to develop skills and knowledge needed to solve problems.
- Taking reasonable risks with my thinking and solutions.
- Asking open ended questions and exploring alternative solutions to problems.
- Demonstrating flexibility by evaluating and altering goals as needed
- Exploring, engaging, and pursuing my interests and passions.
- Using a process to come up with ideas or provide justification that is backed up with evidence with reliable resources.
I understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions by:
- Being self-aware: Knowing my strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”
- Using self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate myself to set and achieve goals.
- Being socially aware: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
- Using relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help when needed (self-advocacy).
- Using responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and social norm