Title I

Daily Learning Planner - January 2023

Daily Learning Planner - December 2022

Title I is a compensatory program funded by an annual grant from the Federal government (funded through No Child Left Behind).The title 1 program is designed to provide services to all students in Hudson who qualify based on student assessments.

Students are provided supplemental reading and math instruction, in addition to the regular classroom experience. The goal is to bring students up to the level of their peers in reading and math.

Funding is awarded to the school from the federal government based on information from the Census and the Free and Reduced lunch program for our district.

Title I funds are used to hire additional personnel, and to purchase educational resources that will benefit the students to reach their individual goals. The Title I program in the Hudson School District is a targeted program and instruction occurs in small groups.

The local programs are overseen by a school project manager, who is responsible for developing the grant as well as its design, implementation, and instructional model.

Key component of the Title I Program

Supplementary-Services must be in addition to the instruction of the classroom teacher.

  • Coordination-Supplementary instruction is coordinated with classroom instruction. It is designed for reinforcement, reteaching, or remediation. Pre-teaching of a skill, i.e. vocabulary development
  • Communication-Communication between paraprofessionals, teachers, and specialists along with the parents.
  • Parent Involvement-Parents receive progress reports on their children, monthly newsletters with numerous suggestions for helping their child, and are invited to school-based information activities.

Learn more about Title I

What is Supplemental Education Services
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Title I Compact
Title I Parents Right-to Know
Title I Parent Survey