Strategic Plan

In March 2019, the district leadership discussed how to redesign educational experiences to best prepare Hudson students for the 21st century. These discussions led to the formation of a strategic planning committee and numerous focus groups and conversations with the community.

The final five-year plan focuses on three goals:

  • Strong learning environment - safe and welcoming schools
  • Strong connections - strong connections between schools, family and the community
  • Vibrant learning system - students and teachers engaged in personalized learning to prepare for future opportunities

The plan has been updated to share the accomplishments from 2019 to January 2022 and reformatted for readability and clarity.

Strategic Plan 2019-2024 - Updated January 2022
Strategic Plan 2019-2024 - Updated November 2019

In 2023, the district selected the New England School Development Council to create a report on long-term enrollment projections: 2022-23 Enrollment Projection Report