District Student Behavior Standards
The Hudson School District is committed to supporting the Social, Emotional, and Intellectual growth of every student. The primary objective of the Hudson School District is education. As represented in Hudson’s Strategic Plan, our educational community maintains three pillars including Strong Learning Environments, Vibrant Learning System, and Strong Connection: School, Family and Community. Two out of the three pillars directly address Student Behavior. These connections are found in:
- Strong Learning Environment Goal 1: The Hudson School District (HSD) will provide safe and secure schools that support welcoming learning environments and foster continuous learning for students, staff, and the community
- Vibrant Learning Community Goal 1: Students in the Hudson School District are actively engaged in goal setting and accountability related to their learning
In order for students to learn and teachers to teach, a safe and orderly atmosphere conducive to learning must be maintained. The following behavioral standards have been designed to help students to learn and teachers to teach, both in remote learning environments and in-person school activities. These standards are based on district policy JICD Student Discipline and Due Process.
Behavior standards are established in alignment with:
Hudson School District Strategic Plan (in revision)
- Portrait of a Learner (in development)
- Portrait of a Graduate (in revision): including but not limited to Responsibility, Communication, Citizenship, Curiosity and Social Emotional Learning
- Alvirne Core Values: Character, Curiosity, Commitment, Community
- Hudson Memorial Core Values: Respect, Responsibility, Hard Work, and Kindness
- Nottingham West Core Values: Positive Attitude, Accept Responsibility, Work and Play Safely and Show Respect
- Hills Garrison Core Values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
- Early Learning Center Core Values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
The District Behavior Standards serve as a guideline of student expectations and outcomes. While not all inclusive, the tables outlined in this document serve as a representation of potential interventions or outcomes used to address student behaviors. Each incident is evaluated based upon the context of the behavior, and the developmental level of the student. Student behaviors are classified in three categories of severity. Each successive level is considered to be of a more serious nature. Possible interventions and disciplinary options are specified for each level.
Tier-1 Behavior Standards
Classroom Behaviors
These behaviors may occur in the classroom and may impact a student's own learning and/or the learning of others, and the orderly environment of the classroom. Behaviors will be addressed through in-class instruction regarding behavior expectations for classroom routines and structure. Clear responses to behavior may include in-school disciplinary actions and strategies initiated by the classroom teacher.
- Teachers will discuss behaviors with the student. Teachers will remind and reteach behavior expectations in a discreet, respectful, and private way.
- Student and teacher will work together to develop a mutually agreeable plan to help the student learn skills to successfully meet expectations.
- Teacher will communicate with the parent(s)/guardian(s).
- The teacher may proceed with in-class interventions.
- If the student does not respond to previous interventions, the student may receive additional intervention (additional support through school counseling and/or support staff).
- Continued classroom behaviors may escalate to more serious responses.
Student Behavior |
Teacher Facilitated Elementary Behavior Intervention(s) These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Low intensity behaviors that disrupt the routine of the classroom or school day activities. |
Non-Compliance / Work Refusal | |
Unwanted physical contact, excessive rough play, or invading personal space | |
Disrespectful or unkind behavior |
Student behavior |
Teacher Facilitated Middle and High School Behavior Intervention(s) These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Low intensity behaviors that disrupt the routine of the classroom |
Non-Compliance / Work Refusal | |
Unwanted physical contact, excessive rough play, or invading personal space | |
Disrespectful or unkind behavior |
Tier-2 Behavior Standards
Disruptive Behaviors & Rule Violations
These behaviors are purposeful or repeated low-intensity behaviors that interrupt the routine of the school day. These behaviors can be addressed both inside or outside the classroom by a teacher or with support from an administrator or other service provider(s).
- Staff will discuss behaviors with the student, remind and reteach behavior expectations in a discreet, respectful, and private way.
- Student and staff will work together to develop a mutually agreeable plan to help the student learn skills to successfully meet expectations.
- Staff will then proceed with interventions, with home contact as needed.
- If the student behavior does not change, the student will receive additional intervention inside or outside of the classroom by an administrator.
- Students who are assigned to detention will have an opportunity to reflect on their behavior, problem solve for improved behavior, and make up for lost learning time.
- Continued disruptive behaviors may escalate to more serious responses.
Disciplinary outcomes are within the discretion of the administration, based on the context and severity of the incident.
Student Behavior |
Elementary Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be implemented in any order of intervention: |
Behavior that does not meet school expectations |
Failure to report to assigned location | |
Intentional profanity | |
Misuse of electronic devices | |
Recording of staff or students | |
Repeated noncompliance | |
Repeated disruptions to the learning environment | |
Verbal Altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Physical contact or invading personal space of others |
Student Behavior |
Middle and High School Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Repeated tardy to class/school |
Behavior that does not meet school expectations | |
Cutting class/detention | |
Intentional profanity | |
Forgery | |
Misuse of electronic devices/network | |
Repeated noncompliance | |
Repeated disruptions to the learning environment | |
Verbal Altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Physical contact or invading personal space of others | |
Recording of staff or students | |
Theft |
Tier-3 Behavior Standards
Safety Violations & Gross Misconduct
These behaviors constitute significant violation of safety for students, teachers, staff, and other members of the school community and will be addressed by the administration.
- Administration will investigate behaviors with the student/witnesses, and proceed with corrective actions and parent contact.
- Administration will consult and refer issues to School Resource Office when appropriate
Disciplinary outcomes are within the discretion of the administration, based on the context and severity of the incident. Behaviors that elicit a school emergency response, but not limited to:
Safety Violations
Student Behavior |
Elementary Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Aggressive physical conduct |
Bullying/Cyberbullying | |
Creating false alarm | |
False Allegations | |
Verbal altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Harassment of an ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious nature, including but not limited to verbal, written, or physical means to another person | |
Vaping |
Student Behavior |
Middle and High School Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Aggressive physical conduct |
Bullying/Cyberbullying | |
Creating false alarm | |
False Allegations | |
Verbal altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Harassment of an ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious nature, including but not limited to verbal, written, or physical means to another person | |
Vaping |
Gross Misconduct
Student Behavior |
Elementary, Middle School, and High School Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Arson |
Threats to school safety | |
Causing a School Emergency Response | |
Riot Behaviors | |
Possession, use, under the influence of, or sale of tobacco products / vape/ drugs/alcohol | |
Weapon Possession | |
Vandalism |
For additional information regarding Hudson School District Policies and Procedures, please refer to https://www.sau81.org/schoolboard/policies.
Relevant RSAs
193-D:4 Written Report Required. –
I. (a) Any public or private school employee who has witnessed or who has information from the victim of an act of theft, destruction, or violence in a safe school zone shall report such act in writing immediately to a supervisor. A supervisor receiving such report shall immediately forward such information to the school principal who shall file it with the local law enforcement authority. Such report shall be made by the principal to the local law enforcement authority immediately, by telephone or otherwise, and shall be followed within 48 hours by a report in writing. If the alleged victim is a student, the principal shall also immediately notify the person responsible for the victim's welfare, as defined in RSA 169-C:3, XXII, that a report was made to the local law enforcement authority.
193:13 Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils. –
I. (a) The superintendent or chief administering officer, or a representative designated in writing by the superintendent, is authorized to suspend pupils from school for a period not to exceed 10 school days for gross misconduct or for neglect or refusal to conform to the reasonable rules of the school.
(b) The school board or a representative designated in writing of the school board is authorized, following a hearing, to continue the suspension of a pupil for a period in excess of 10 school days. The school board's designee may be the superintendent or any other individual, but may not be the individual who suspended the pupil for the first 10 days under subparagraph (a). Any suspension shall be valid throughout the school districts of the state, subject to modification by the superintendent of the school district in which the pupil seeks to enroll.
(c) Any suspension in excess of 10 school days imposed under subparagraph (b) by any person other than the school board is appealable to the school board, provided that the superintendent received such appeal in writing within 10 days after the issuance of the decision being appealed. The school board shall hold a hearing on the appeal, but shall have discretion to hear evidence or to rely upon the record of a hearing conducted under subparagraph (b). The suspension under subparagraph (b) shall be enforced while that appeal is pending, unless the school board stays the suspension while the appeal is pending.
II. Any pupil may be expelled from school by the local school board for gross misconduct, or for neglect or refusal to conform to the reasonable rules of the school, or for an act of theft, destruction, or violence as defined in RSA 193-D:1, or for possession of a pellet or BB gun, rifle, or paint ball gun, and the pupil shall not attend school until restored by the local board. Any expulsion shall be subject to review if requested prior to the start of each school year and further, any parent or guardian has the right to appeal any such expulsion by the local board to the state board of education. Any expulsion shall be valid throughout the school districts of the state.