Clubs & Activities

Alvirne High School believes that a strong co-curricular program is a vital part of the total educational program. All students are encouraged to become involved in activities beyond the classroom. It is our belief that students who are involved beyond the classroom will find their high school years all the more rewarding both socially and educationally.

To find out additional information, you can click on a link and email the advisor for more info:

Art Club Advisor: Meghan Crockett, Kaitlyn Abbott-Rose, Maria Oakley
Balloon Art Club Advisor: Michelle Tieman
BC2M (Bring Change to Mind) Advisor: Patricia Quarles
Best Buddies Advisor: Andrew Rush 
Book Club Advisor: Rowan Gingras
Class Act (Drama) Advisors: 
     Michael Gallagan - Music Director
     Julie Nelson - Costuming
     Lauren Denis - Theater Advisor
     Claudia Torres - Theater Advisor
     Robert Scagnelli- Music
Craft Club - Chevon Gora
CTE Ambassadors Advisor: Richard Paiva
DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) Advisor: Sarah Compagna and Travis Tuck
Dungeons & Dragons Advisor: Rowan Gingras
E-Sports: Jonathan White
FFA Advisors: Jenny BeaudryCorie Bliss & Sue Hill and Samantha Slingerland
Fitness Club Advisors: Seth Garon & John Mirabella
French National Honor Society Advisor: Svetlana Stewart
Freshmen Class Advisor: Emily McCartney
Gender Sexuality Alliance Advisors: Michelle TiemanJessica Wentworth & Katie Abbott-Rose
Hiking Club Advisor: Adam Dufault
Intramurals (Pickleball & Flag Football) Advisor: Richard Loftus
JEDI Club (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Advisor: Scott Rush
Junior Class Advisor: Ryder Close and Jessica Marcure
Key Club: Brian Taylor
Leo Club Advisor: Deborah Cole
Math Team Advisor:  Kathryn Wityak
Mock TrialL Ryder Close and Donna Morin
Model UN Advisor: Tyler McAlevy
National Honor Society Advisors: Donna MorinDavid Wilder & Regina Beals
National Technical Honor Society Advisor: Susan Hill-Blouin
Robotics Club Advisor: Collin Stone
Science Olympiad Advisor: Doug Peckham and Melissa Griffin
Senior Advisors: Varinia Weaver and Shannon McCarthy
Senior Graduation Advisor: Leslie Reven
Ski Club Advisors: Doug Peckham & Tyler McAlevy
Skills USA Building Trades Advisor: Matt Somers
Skills USA Culinary Advisors: Dave Bressler & Jessica Sarno
Skills USA Heavy Equipment Advisor: Ernie Brown and Brian Lebel
Skills USA Welding Advisor: David Anger and Josh Bennet
Sophomore Class Advisor: Jeanne Schratwieser
Spanish Club Advisor: Margoth Matteo
Spanish National Honor Society Advisor: Margoth Matteo
Student Athletic Leadership Council Advisors: Alex Larson and Conor Gannon
Student Council Advisor: Varinia Weaver and Shannon McCarthy
Students of Faith Advisor: Margoth Matteo
Studio 19 Advisor: Brian Moriarty
Tri-M Music Honor Society Advisor: Michael Gallagan and Robert Scagnelli
W.A.T.S. Club Advisors: Jessica Toomey & Andrew Rush
World Fesitval/Multicultural Club Advisor: Margoth Matteo
Writer's Club Advisor: Kaitlyn Wilson and Tara Duffy
Yearbook Advisor: Maria Oakley & Melanie O'Toole