Families & Staff -
This has been a busy week with the election and professional development day for teachers’ and paraprofessional staff.
This update contains:
- School Safety
- Facilities Study
- Kindergarten Waivers
- Annie Jr. at Hudson Memorial Next Week
School Safety
It is hard to process the events that happened in Nashville this week. School safety is our top priority and we work to make our building secure, yet a violent shooting leaves us all feeling vulnerable.
The district has many security measures in place, including a secure campus during school hours. NH Homeland Security conducted walkthroughs of each of our buildings in January and we are currently reviewing those reports. We will be conducting planned drills in April to ensure that we practice a variety of scenarios, which help prepare people in the case of an actual event.
We also have a very strong relationship with the Hudson Police Department. School resource officers are in and out of our buildings every day, building relationships with students and staff and offering support.
Facilities Study
In my short time here, I’ve heard concerns from families and staff regarding the number of transitions for our youngest learners between preschool and second grade. Last summer, the School Board approved a facilities study of the district’s buildings for our pre-K through grade 8 students. Lavallee Brensinger presented their report to the School Board on March 27.
The Early Learning Center at Library Street School (kindergarten) is at capacity. The cafeteria/gym space also houses the library and some support staff. The Early Learning Center at Dr. HO Smith (first grade) is close to capacity as well.
The facilities study offers several potential ideas for more effectively using our existing buildings as well as potentially adding new spaces.
Moving forward, there will be opportunities for staff, students, families and community members to provide input and feedback. I look forward to these discussions.
Kindergarten Waivers
Based on the feedback from families, the School Board updated Policy JEB Age of Entrance. For families wishing to delay the start of kindergarten or request early entrance for their child, a waiver form will be available on the website Monday afternoon under the Registration page.
Annie Jr. at Hudson Memorial Next Week
The Hudson Memorial School Drama Club will present Annie Jr. on April 7 and 8. More details and tickets are available on the HMS website.
Have a good weekend.
Dan Moulis
Superintendent of Schools
Important Dates
Monday, April 3 – School Board Meeting – tentative
Monday, April 17 – School Board Meeting – tentative
April 24-28 – Spring Break
Snow days used: September 13 – Voting Day, December 23, January 20, January 23, March 28 (election day moved)