Remote Day Schedule and Expectations


Time Period
8:00am to 8:10am Homeroom (Mandatory attendance taken) 
8:20am to 8:50am Check in with A period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
9:00am to 9:30am Check in with B period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
9:40am to 10:10am Check in with C period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
10:20am to 10:50am Check in with D period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
11:00am to 12:00pm Lunch (No Check in Necessary)
12:10pm to 12:40pm Check in with E period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
12:50pm to 1:20pm Check in with F period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)
1:30pm to 2:00pm Check in with G period Students (via Zoom or Schoology link)


 During homeroom students will be informed of the team's protocols for the day.      

Remote Learning Day Expectations

Should a remote day due to inclement weather or other issues be called, teachers and students will use Schoology as their primary instructional platform in combination with Zoom and other education apps. 

Student and teachers schedules will remain the same as if they were happening in person.

Teachers will post activities that review content that has been previously covered to help students retain and apply concepts.  Teachers will also be available via zoom to assist students on assignments during scheduled times.

Students should check into their homeroom between 8:00 and 8:10am, complete all assigned work and attend all scheduled classroom zooms as required.