School Dances

All students are invited to several dances at the school on Friday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Students who are on academic and/or social probation, suspension or absent on the day of the dance will not be allowed to attend school dances. The rules for the school dances, including the 8th grade dance, adhere to all school rules in addition to the following:

School Dance Rules

  • Students must have their student ID in order to be admitted to the dance.
  • Students may lose the privilege of attending dance(s) for continual violation of school rules.
  • Good taste, good health and safety should be the guidelines for appearance. Clothing and conditions that are listed as inappropriate for school are also considered inappropriate for dances.
  • Doors open at 6:30 p.m. or when all students are in a single line outside the front door - please do not drop your students off before 6:15 pm.
  • Doors will close at 7:00 p.m. and no one will be admitted after this time.
  • Removal from the dance will result in permanent suspension from all dances.
  • No one is permitted to leave the dance once they have entered the building. Students may lose the privilege to attend any future dances if this occurs.
  • Refreshments, sold by the PTO, are restricted to a designated area.
  • Please make arrangements for transportation home. Students should be picked up promptly at 8:30 p.m. from the dance.

Dance Dates

All dance dates will be posted on the school website calendar. If the school day in which a dance is scheduled is canceled for any reason, the dance that night is also canceled.