Student & Family Handbook
Dear Students and Parents:
Hudson Memorial School is a student-focused community committed to delivering a challenging and comprehensive curriculum for all students by fostering student engagement, critical thinking, and creativity. Our instructional strategies promote the mastery of core competencies through technology, written communication, comprehension of complex material, and valuable research. We believe that the foundation for student success is the development of a strong work ethic and a personal responsibility.
The school is organized into eight core academic teams. Each team consists of a math teacher, science teacher, social studies teacher, and two language arts teachers. A seventh team of teachers will provide students who meet criteria an academically accelerated opportunity. All students will be assigned to a core team and students who accept the invitation to participate in the academically accelerated program will attend each class off team. All students will be assigned to a team. All students will participate in an eight-period school day consisting of the following: a fifteen-minute homeroom period, two periods of language arts, one period of math, one period of science, one period of social studies, two periods of unified arts, a thirty-minute academic focus period, and a thirty-minute lunch. The school day begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:25 p.m. Homeroom begins at 7:35 a.m. and ends at 7:52 a.m. All students must arrive at school prior to 7:45 a.m. Any student entering the school after 7:45 a.m. will be marked tardy for that day.
Throughout the school year, each student at Hudson Memorial will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. These activities will help to develop student talents, self-esteem, peer relationships, and school spirit. Clubs and activities offered at HMS include but are not limited to Student Council, Robotics, Disc Golf, Computer Club, Ski Club, Chess Club, Math Club, Recycling Club, Leadership in Prevention, Intramural Athletics, Interscholastic Athletics, Yearbook Club, the School Musical, and Art Club.
As you read the Student/Parent Handbook, keep in mind that the information contained in this document is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Hudson Memorial School and to help you understand how our school functions. If you have questions regarding the information presented, please feel free to contact the administration, teachers, or staff at any time so that we may assist you.
On behalf of the administrators, teachers, and staff of Hudson Memorial School, I welcome you all!
Keith D. Bowen
Mission Statement
Hudson Memorial School is a student-centered community that understands and meets the social, emotional, and academic needs of all students. Through the provision of a safe and secure learning environment, we are committed to delivering a challenging and comprehensive curriculum that is inclusive of all students in authentic learning opportunities that require the use of higher-order thinking skills. Our instructional strategies promote mastery of core competencies using technology, written communication, oral communication, comprehension of complex material, and effective research.
Vision Statement
Hudson Memorial School will maintain trusting partnerships with all members of the community (district, staff, residents, businesses, and students and their families) to form meaningful relationships that are respectful in communicating knowledge and understanding in the manner that strengthens school programs and student learning.
Hudson Memorial School will ensure all students are provided with an academic learning environment that is universally designed to remove all barriers and promote a growth mindset in both students, staff, and the entire educational community.
By June of 2024, Hudson Memorial School will have an integrated curriculum that utilizes project-based learning and measures student learning outcomes for competency in all content areas.
Students at Hudson Memorial School will demonstrate:
- Knowledge, skill, and understanding in each content area.
- The ability to understand what they read.
- Effective oral and written communication.
- The ability to access, process, and apply literary knowledge, skills, and understanding.
- The ability to access, process, and apply mathematical knowledge, skills, and understanding.
- The ability to think critically and apply problem solving strategies in today's world.
- Technological literacy.
- Awareness of the fine and applied arts through participation in school-based activities.
- Knowledge of the world through the provision of cultural and historical perspectives.
- The acceptance of personal responsibilities.
- Respect for themselves and others, the school, and property.
- Awareness and understanding of the skills necessary to maintain good physical and mental health.
Hudson Memorial School will:
- Provide a clean and healthy environment.
- Provide adequate staff and facilities.
- Provide quality student support.
- Engage students in a challenging curriculum aligned with current state frameworks.
- Foster communication and cooperation among school personnel and student families.
- Support ongoing staff development.
- Encourage interaction between our school and town residents.
- Provide diverse extracurricular activities.
- Provide students and staff with access and expertise to maximize current technology.
- Provide student and staff opportunities to optimize advances in technology.
Keith D. Bowen | Principal |
Stephen R. Campo | Assistant Principal |
Laura A. Spaulding | Assistant Principal |
Department Heads
Kyla Roche | Special Services Department Head |
Daniel Pooler | Mathematics Department Head |
Jeannette LaGrasse | Language Arts Department Head |
Jacob Reece | Science Department Head |
Rachel Scanzani | Social Studies Department Head |
Mandi Sawyer | 6th Grade School Counselor |
Karen O'Brien | 7th Grade School Counselor |
Ashley Ciaraldi | 8th Grade School Counselor |
Athletics and Intramurals
Dan Pooler | Athletic Coordinator |
Patti Stilphen | Intramurals Coordinator |
Telephone Directory
Hudson Memorial School Main Number: (603) 886-1240
office | extension |
Main Office | 0 |
Report a Student Absent | 2 |
School Counseling Department | 3 |
Special Education Department | 4 |
Nurse's Office | 5 |
School Resource Officer | 6 |
Office of the Assistant Principals | 7 |
Office of the Principal | 8 |
Main Office Fax | (603) 883-1252 |
Hudson Memorial School offers various communication tools for parents/guardians and students to communicate with any member of our staff/faculty and/or administration.
- All staff members have e-mail which can be accessed through the district website.
- All teachers use PowerSchool and Schoology.
- PowerSchool and Schoology are both ways for educators, parents, and students to share information regarding assessment, academic progress, assignments, student attendance and other pertinent school information.
- Every family has a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact School Counseling or an Assistant Principal if you require assistance.
- All teachers utilize Schoology to post assignments and resources.
Students may be given textbooks in their classes to be used throughout the school year. These books are intended for academic use and are the responsibility of the student to which they are assigned. If a student loses or damages the book, he/she will be responsible for the replacement cost of that book. Online textbooks will be provided for most subjects.
Safety Drills
During all safety drills, students must:
- Stop, Look, Listen
- Remain quietly and orderly
- Follow staff instructions
Accidents and Health Services
- Any inury, regardless of apparent extent should be immediately reported to the school nurse.
- Students needing crutches, ace wraps, or splinting must have a doctor’s order to use adaptive devices or supportive bandaging. Upon their return to school, all students with emergent health concerns must see the nurse for special instructions before proceeding to class.
- Any student with a temperature over 100 degrees must stay home and be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If a student is started on oral antibiotics for any reason, he/she must be taking antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Students with a rash, cold/flu symptoms, or question of communicable diseases, including but not limited to vomiting/diarrhea are admitted to class only after having seen the nurse.
- The Department of Education rules that while in school, students are not allowed to take medication of any kind, including herbal supplements, unless under the direct supervision of the nurse. All medication must be brought to school by the parent with a written doctor’s order. The first dose of a new medication must be given at home and the student observed for 24 hours before returning to school. Please contact the nurse’s office for more information about medication administration at school.
- A parent/guardian or parent/guardian designated-responsible adult shall deliver all medication to be administered by school personnel to the school nurse or other responsible person designated by the school nurse as follows:
- The prescription medication shall be in a pharmacy or manufacturer labeled container;
- In the case of narcotic medication or other controlled substances, the school nurse or other responsible person receiving the prescription medication shall document the quantity of the medication delivered; and
- The prescription medication may be delivered by other person(s), provided that the nurse is notified in advance by the parent/guardian of the delivery and the quantity of prescription medication provided.
- HMS does not maintain peanut free areas. However, we strive to encourage students with food allergies and special dietary concerns to practice safe eating habits. Parents of children with food allergies are encouraged to contact the nurse’s office to update all food allergy action plans on a yearly basis. EpiPens may be carried by students with appropriate doctor’s orders in place.
- Students who visit the nurse’s office must present a pass from a teacher. The only exception is in the case of an emergency.
- At no time will students be allowed to carry or self-administer any medication - prescribed or over the counter.
- A permission to administer medications form is sent home with students at the beginning of each year. A new form must be completed each year. Any changes in a student’s ability to take medications are the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify nursing staff.
- Pursuant to NH RSA 200:46, students may carry inhalers and EpiPens with appropriate MD orders on file. Please contact the school nurse for instructions and information required for your student to carry their inhaler/EpiPen with them. Additional medication may also be kept at the nurse’s office.
School is in session under all except the most hazardous weather conditions. WMUR Channel 9 will announce delayed openings or no-school bulletins between 5:30 and 7:00 a.m.
The Hudson School District also utilizes a rapid notification service to enhance parental communication. This service allows us to send a text, voice, and email message to all parents/guardians in the case of inclement weather cancellations or delays. It is important for us to have up-to-date contact information through PowerSchool to ensure communication
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that students are in school and learning. School attendance is critical to successful academic performance and to ensure we meet the goals of the district mission and vision. Class discussions, student collaborative work, and teacher guidance and directives all offer learning opportunities that are hard to make up outside the classroom. Therefore, in order to be successful, students must attend school and be on time for classes and other scheduled activities. Tardiness is a disruption to the educational process. It sets a tone that de-values education, detracts from the lesson, is discourteous to the teacher and other students and results in a loss of instructional time.
School officials determine whether students’ absences are excused or unexcused. The school must also maintain accurate attendance records for each student. Each teacher must accurately report daily attendance and punctuality. The building principal is designated as the person responsible for truancy issues. The building principal must submit attendance information to the Superintendent’s office and must communicate with parents when a student’s attendance becomes a concern and as required by this Policy. School officials and parents/guardians must then work together to come up with a plan to address the child’s absences.
Excused and Unexcused Absences Defined
The School Board recognizes that absences from school may be necessary under certain circumstances. The School District recognizes two kinds of absences from school: excused and unexcused absences.
Excused absences may include the following situations:
- School sponsored events such as field trips or athletic events.
- Absences due to chronic health conditions or illness or mental health or physical health appointments. (The principal may require parents to produce additional documentation.)
- Death of an immediate family member.
- Religious holidays or attendance at religious ceremonies.
- Absences approved by the Superintendent under RSA 193:1, I(c).
- College visits.
- Mandated court appearances.
Students will have five (5) school days from the date of absence to present documentation of absence. Unexcused absences and all other absences will include but are not limited to family vacations, other vacations, absences for other personal reasons, tardiness, cutting classes, dismissals, truancy, absence from any study hall or activity for which the student is scheduled.
Limitations on Unexcused Absences
A half-day absence is defined as missing up to half of the total minutes in a school day. Missing more than half the total minutes in a school day is two half-day absences.
Unexcused absences from school are considered truancy. A student who skips class or scheduled activity, arrives late for class or a scheduled activity, or leaves a class or scheduled activity without permission of school personnel is considered truant and will be deemed to have missed the entire class or scheduled activity.
Under New Hampshire law, ten half days of unexcused absence during a school year shall constitute habitual truancy. The District has created a procedure and put in place a series of interventions to assist the student with reintegrating back into school. Interventions will occur at eight (8) days and fifteen (15) days absent. A student with fifteen (15) days absent will be considered truant. Contact with DCYF, school administration, and the Hudson Police Department will occur when a student has missed 15 consecutive days or when the threshold of days absent exceeds 25% for the year. A student that has been absent fifteen (15) or more days may be subject to retention according to policy IKE Promotion and Retention of Students.
Parent/Guardian, Student, and School Responsibilities
Under New Hampshire law, specifically RSA 193:1, parents/guardians have a legal obligation to make sure that their children who are at least 6 years of age and under 18 years of age attend school for the entire school year and during all the time that public schools are in session. Parents/Guardians should, therefore, plan activities and appointments for their children at times when school is not in session. Parents/Guardians must contact the school to inform the school of their child’s absence.
Tardiness to School
Check-in Procedure
Students who arrive at school after 7:45 a.m. should go directly to the main office to receive a tardy slip. Any student who does not report to homeroom by 7:45 a.m. is considered tardy. To expedite the process, it is helpful for students to have their ID with them in order to quickly scan in the system.
Chronic Tardiness
Chronic tardiness is a serious issue and can be considered a form of truancy.
The following reasons will not excuse tardiness: oversleeping, missing the bus, and/or traffic. The Hudson School District provides transportation for its students. We do take responsibility for bus problems, but we cannot assume responsibility for private vehicles.
Students who are late due to a medical appointment must present documentation for it to be Tardy Documented (TD).
Tardiness to Class
Once students are here in the building, they are given ample time to progress from classroom to classroom, and the focus should be arrival on time. Students who are repeatedly tardy to class may be given a teacher detention and parental contact will be made to encourage promptness to class.
Dismissal Absence
If a student must be dismissed from school prior to the end of the regular day, the student must bring in a note from a parent/guardian and present it to the main office at the beginning of the school day. The note must include:
- The date, time and reason for dismissal
- The name of the person who will pick the student up
- A parent/guardian's signature and phone number to verify dismissal
Students who are dismissed are to be picked up and signed out by a parent/guardian in the main office at the time of dismissal, once again students should have their student ID in order to quickly scan out through the system.
Student supervision begins at 7:20 a.m. For safety reasons, no student should be dropped off before that time.
Parents who wish to pick up students at the end of the school day must park in a parking space in the main parking lot at the front of the building, not along the fences of the field or in the aisle of the parking lot. No parking or standing traffic will be permitted on Memorial Drive. Students who are being picked up at the end of the school day are to use the main entrance to exit the building and should be picked up no later than 2:40 p.m.
Students riding their bikes to and from school will follow the rules of the road. This includes following the flow of traffic entering and exiting Memorial Drive.
If your child has been out for 3 days or more due to illness, and homework for that period of time is desired, simply contact the teachers before 8:00 a.m. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice must be given in order to collect books and homework materials from all of the teachers. Students may also refer to their Schoology for assignments while absent from school. Parents can pick up homework/books in the Main Office before 3:30 p.m.
Half Days
- Students arriving after 11:00 a.m. will be ineligible to participate in after-school activities.
- Students leaving school before 11:30 a.m. and not returning are ineligible for after-school activities.
After-School Activities
- For activities beginning after school (like sports games) students must stay in the building in the time between dismissal and the beginning of the activitiy. This allows for supervision and safety for all students.
- Students who leave the building after school, and return, must do so with parental supervision at the event.
To see a School Counselor, report to Room 109 before or after school or during lunch with a pass from a subject teacher or a counselor and make an appointment.
Remember any concern that is of importance to you is also of importance to your counselor.
Reasons to see a School Counselor:
- Learn how to get along with students, parents, and teachers.
- Talk to someone who will readily listen to what I have to say.
- Improve grades and study habits.
- Help choose elective courses.
- Explore abilities and aptitudes.
- Discover new interest areas.
- Understand attitudes and values.
- Explore the decision-making process and the world of work.
Follow this link to learn more about Hudson Memorial School's Suicide Prevention Plan.
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Students attending Hudson Memorial School will be issued three (3) Academic Progress Updates and three (3) report cards throughout the school year. Each of these Academic Progress Updates will be issued after the thirtieth (30) day of the current trimester. The Academic Progress Updates are intended to keep parents and students informed of the current student grade. The third trimester report card will be the last grade report and will contain the students' final grades for the school year. The final grades will be the grade average of each of the three trimester report card grades.
Grading Scales
Students’ grades are recorded in several areas in PowerSchool. Grades will be updated every two weeks. The following categories are weighted accordingly.
- Summative Assessments - which are assessments that measure knowledge of several connected concepts and skills in meaningful and authentic ways. (Including, but not limited to, long term projects, tests, performance tasks etc.) Weighted 60%
- Interim Assessments - which are assessments that measure knowledge of basic concepts or skills that when connected will lead to higher levels of knowledge and skill development. (Including, but not limited to, quizzes, drafts, graded assignments, classrooom discussions, etc.) Weighted 30%
- Practice - which is work assigned by teachers to allow opportunity for students to review skills covered in the classroom. (Including, but not limited to, homework, classwork, etc.) Weighted 10%
Competency Grade Scale | |||||
EE | Exceeds Grade Level Expectations | Traditional Grade Scale | |||
ME | Meets Grade Level Expectations | A | 90 - 100 | ||
AE | Approaching Grade Level Expectations | B | 80 - 89 | ||
IP | In Progress | C | 70 - 79 | ||
NE | No Evidence of Skills provided to assess grade level expectations | D | 60 - 69 | ||
SNA | Standard not addressed | F | 0 - 59 | ||
WTG | Working towards Personal Goal | P/F | Pass or Fail |
Work Study Practices
Our Work Study Practices Rubric is used to describe work habits and classroom behaviors. Students are scored on a scale of 1-4 on the three core values of Hudson Memorial School: respect, responsibility, and hard work. Please see the rubric for the Work Study Practices.
4 | Exceeding |
Student consistently in-person and/or in remote learning environment:
Student consistently in-person and/or in remote learning environment:
Student consistently in-person and/or in remote learning environment:
3 | Meeting | Student regularly demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student regularly demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student regularly demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
2 | Progressing | Student usually demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student usually demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student usually demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
1 | Needs Improvement | Student rarely demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student rarely demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Student rarely demonstrates the practices in the Meeting and/or Exceeding Category. |
Respect - Student initiates and manages his or her learning through actions and behaviors that demonstrate self-awareness, self-control, and their ability to work in diverse groups to achieve a common goal.
Responsibility - Student initiates and manages his or her learning through actions and behaviors that demonstrate self-motivation and self-advocacy.
Hard Work - Student initiates and manages his or her own learning through an ability to demonstrate a "growth mindset," to persevere by completing complex and challenging tasks, and to adapt as a reflective learner.
Student-Led Conferences
Student-led conferences are held during the months of November and March. FOCUS Homeroom teachers will contact home prior to the Student Led conferences to set up appointments. However, you may also request a parent conference at any time during the school year by contacting the homeroom teacher for an appointment.
Academic Accountability
Hudson Memorial School recognizes the importance of providing a challenging, comprehensive, systemically aligned, and integrated curriculum that includes high quality instruction and opportunities for students to remediate important knowledge, skills, and understandings within each content area. As part of the instructional process, we also recognize that competency-based education requires that students are provided with multiple opportunities to demonstrate that they have successfully met curricular standards.
Late Work Guidelines
Hudson Memorial School recognizes the importance of providing students with an opportunity to practice skills that will help them to be successful in later life. This includes work completion in a timely manner. All summative and interim assessments can be retaken until the end of the trimester. Practice assignments may be accepted up to 5 school days after the given due date.
Students will be granted the opportunity to reassess summative, and interim assessments where proficiency has not been demonstrated. The grade that they receive on the reassessment will replace their original grade if the reassessment grade is higher than the original assessment.
Students will have until the end of the trimester to reassess any summative not meeting proficiency with the exception of summative or interim assessments that fall within ten days of the trimester. In these circumstances students will have until the end of the next progress report to complete their reassessment.
In order to take advantage of a reassessment, the student needs to engage in a relearning process that includes review of the original assessment with his or her teacher and completing all relevant uncompleted work in the class, or other options provided by his or her teacher.
Academic Remediation
The purpose of academic remediation is to provide students with targeted academic support in areas of the curriculum where a student’s knowledge and understanding of a skill or concept needs to be strengthened to further their academic success. All students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in an Academic Remediation Plan with their teacher when significant skill and concept gaps appear. Academic Remediation will take place during Academic Focus.
Academic Focus
Academic Focus is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) period for all students. The program allows for students, over a four-day period, to be scheduled to the teachers they need to see for a variety of reasons. FOCUS scheduling allows students to plan and prepare for upcoming assignments and assessments that they may want to meet with their teachers about.
The two avenues by which students will be scheduled are:
- The Academic FOCUS teacher conferences with students and schedules them to meet with the teachers that they need to see for either remediation or extension purposes.
- Any teacher may pre-book their students into a FOCUS period for the following week to provide extra help, opportunities for retakes or re-dos of assignments, or to extend student learning with access to supplemental higher-level materials.
Academic Eligibility
A student may participate in dances, functions, extra-curricular activities, clubs, intramurals, and interscholastic sports, field trips. All participation will be considered at the discretion of the supervising teacher(s) and determination of an administrator. Students will be deemed ineligible if they have received Fs or No Evidence (NE) indicator on the grading scale in two or more subject areas at the time of each Academic Progress update. To regain eligibility, a student must have remediated all NE and/or F grades.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Honesty and integrity are values that are important at Hudson Memorial School. A student turning in work that represents their knowledge base is essential to determining success of the academic process. Students engaging in cheating or plagiarism are not being honest with their teachers or themselves. While there are some assignments that are meant to be done in cooperation with others, most assignments are not. Unless a teacher indicates that an assignment is meant to be done with the help of others, students should assume that the work assigned is to be done on their own.
The teacher will determine what is appropriate for any given assignment. Two students doing a homework assignment may help each other in clarifying what the assignment is about. Copying someone else’s work and taking answers off someone else’s test are the most common forms of cheating. If cheating or plagiarism has occurred, the teacher will contact home and assign an alternate or redo to meet the competency. In repeated occurrences of cheating or plagiarism, the student may be referred to administration.
Cheating is defined as the inappropriate giving or taking answers or work from another student or source. The use of computer or alternative resources in place of assigned reading or projects will be considered cheating.
Plagiarism is defined as the use of information from a source or author without reconition that the information comes from that source or author.
Students who have an emergency and need to use the phone may come to the main office to request to use the phone. Telephone messages for students cannot be accepted through the school office. Parents must restrict messages to those of an emergency nature. Calls may be verified. We encourage parents to call the office if they must contact their student, since it is quicker, and students are not to use cellphones in school.
The Hudson Memorial School Triple Crown recognition is designed to acknowledge the positive contributions students make to the school’s culture through a set of core values. These values focus on the key components of a student’s social, emotional, and academic growth. This will allow us to develop working relationships that promote, sustain, and reward students for their respectful, responsible, and hardworking behaviors. Each month, students can be nominated by staff for a Triple Crown award for exemplifying these characteristics.
Core Values Defined
- Respect - esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, personal quality, or ability.
- Responsibility - answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management
- Hard work - effort put forth by an individual to better themselves socially, emotionally, and academically.
- Kindness - the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Safe Zone
Hudson Memorial School promotes a Safe Zone. Throughout the year, our counseling department and staff promotes the principles of making Hudson Memorial School a safe zone. Safe Zone members follow these principles:
I will RESPECT myself.
I will RESPECT the differences in others.
I will RESPECT my school and keep it drug/alcohol free.
I am RESPONSIBLE for my own actions.
I am RESPONSIBLE for my own choices.
I am RESPONSIBLE to engage in my own education.
I am RESPONSIBLE to report bullying/harrassment to a trusted adult.
I am RESPONSIBLE for understanding the impact of my actions on others.
I will WORK HARD and commit to my learning.
I will WORK HARD to stay on task during classes.
I will WORK HARD to make all feel welcome at my school.
I will be KIND to myself.
I will be KIND to peers.
I will be KIND to my teachers.
I will be KIND to my environment.
The Hudson School District is committed to supporting the Social, Emotional, and Intellectual growth of every student. The primary objective of the Hudson School District is education. As represented in Hudson’s Strategic Plan, our educational community maintains three pillars including Strong Learning Environments, Vibrant Learning System, and Strong Connection: School, Family and Community. Two out of the three pillars directly address Student Behavior. These connections are found in:
- Strong Learning Environment Goal 1: The Hudson School District (HSD) will provide safe and secure schools that support welcoming learning environments and foster continuous learning for students, staff, and the community
- Vibrant Learning Community Goal 1: Students in the Hudson School District are actively engaged in goal setting and accountability related to their learning
In order for students to learn and teachers to teach, a safe and orderly atmosphere conducive to learning must be maintained. The following behavioral standards have been designed to help students to learn and teachers to teach, both in remote learning environments and in-person school activities. These standards are based on district policy JICD Student Discipline and Due Process.
Behavior standards are established in alignment with:
Hudson School District Strategic Plan (in revision)
- Portrait of a Learner (in development)
- Portrait of a Graduate (in revision): including but not limited to Responsibility, Communication, Citizenship, Curiosity and Social Emotional Learning
- Alvirne Core Values: Character, Curiosity, Commitment, Community
- Hudson Memorial Core Values: Respect, Responsibility, Hard Work, and Kindness
- Nottingham West Core Values: Positive Attitude, Accept Responsibility, Work and Play Safely and Show Respect
- Hills Garrison Core Values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
- Early Learning Center Core Values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
The District Behavior Standards serve as a guideline of student expectations and outcomes. While not all inclusive, the tables outlined in this document serve as a representation of potential interventions or outcomes used to address student behaviors. Each incident is evaluated based upon the context of the behavior, and the developmental level of the student. Student behaviors are classified in three categories of severity. Each successive level is considered to be of a more serious nature. Possible interventions and disciplinary options are specified for each level.
Tier-1 Behavior Standards
Classroom Behaviors
These behaviors may occur in the classroom and may impact a student's own learning and/or the learning of others, and the orderly environment of the classroom. Behaviors will be addressed through in-class instruction regarding behavior expectations for classroom routines and structure. Clear responses to behavior may include in-school disciplinary actions and strategies initiated by the classroom teacher.
- Teachers will discuss behaviors with the student. Teachers will remind and reteach behavior expectations in a discreet, respectful, and private way.
- Student and teacher will work together to develop a mutually agreeable plan to help the student learn skills to successfully meet expectations.
- Teacher will communicate with the parent(s)/guardian(s).
- The teacher may proceed with in-class interventions.
- If the student does not respond to previous interventions, the student may receive additional intervention (additional support through school counseling and/or support staff).
- Continued classroom behaviors may escalate to more serious responses.
Student Behavior |
Teacher Facilitated Elementary Behavior Intervention(s) These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Low intensity behaviors that disrupt the routine of the classroom or school day activities. |
Non-Compliance / Work Refusal | |
Unwanted physical contact, excessive rough play, or invading personal space | |
Disrespectful or unkind behavior |
Student behavior |
Teacher Facilitated Middle and High School Behavior Intervention(s) These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Low intensity behaviors that disrupt the routine of the classroom |
Non-Compliance / Work Refusal | |
Unwanted physical contact, excessive rough play, or invading personal space | |
Disrespectful or unkind behavior |
Tier-2 Behavior Standards
Disruptive Behaviors & Rule Violations
These behaviors are purposeful or repeated low-intensity behaviors that interrupt the routine of the school day. These behaviors can be addressed both inside or outside the classroom by a teacher or with support from an administrator or other service provider(s).
- Staff will discuss behaviors with the student, remind and reteach behavior expectations in a discreet, respectful, and private way.
- Student and staff will work together to develop a mutually agreeable plan to help the student learn skills to successfully meet expectations.
- Staff will then proceed with interventions, with home contact as needed.
- If the student behavior does not change, the student will receive additional intervention inside or outside of the classroom by an administrator.
- Students who are assigned to detention will have an opportunity to reflect on their behavior, problem solve for improved behavior, and make up for lost learning time.
- Continued disruptive behaviors may escalate to more serious responses.
Disciplinary outcomes are within the discretion of the administration, based on the context and severity of the incident.
Student Behavior |
Elementary Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be implemented in any order of intervention: |
Behavior that does not meet school expectations |
Failure to report to assigned location | |
Intentional profanity | |
Misuse of electronic devices | |
Recording of staff or students | |
Repeated noncompliance | |
Repeated disruptions to the learning environment | |
Verbal Altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Physical contact or invading personal space of others |
Student Behavior |
Middle and High School Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Repeated tardy to class/school |
Behavior that does not meet school expectations | |
Cutting class/detention | |
Intentional profanity | |
Forgery | |
Misuse of electronic devices/network | |
Repeated noncompliance | |
Repeated disruptions to the learning environment | |
Verbal Altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Physical contact or invading personal space of others | |
Recording of staff or students | |
Theft |
Tier-3 Behavior Standards
Safety Violations & Gross Misconduct
These behaviors constitute significant violation of safety for students, teachers, staff, and other members of the school community and will be addressed by the administration.
- Administration will investigate behaviors with the student/witnesses, and proceed with corrective actions and parent contact.
- Administration will consult and refer issues to School Resource Office when appropriate
Disciplinary outcomes are within the discretion of the administration, based on the context and severity of the incident. Behaviors that elicit a school emergency response, but not limited to:
Safety Violations
Student Behavior |
Elementary Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Aggressive physical conduct |
Bullying/Cyberbullying | |
Creating false alarm | |
False Allegations | |
Verbal altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Harassment of an ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious nature, including but not limited to verbal, written, or physical means to another person | |
Vaping |
Student Behavior |
Middle and High School Behavior Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Aggressive physical conduct |
Bullying/Cyberbullying | |
Creating false alarm | |
False Allegations | |
Verbal altercation | |
Instigating or inciting an altercation | |
Harassment of an ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious nature, including but not limited to verbal, written, or physical means to another person | |
Vaping |
Gross Misconduct
Student Behavior |
Elementary, Middle School, and High School Response(s)
These may include, but are not limited to, the following and may be utilized in any order of intervention: |
Arson |
Threats to school safety | |
Causing a School Emergency Response | |
Riot Behaviors | |
Possession, use, under the influence of, or sale of tobacco products / vape/ drugs/alcohol | |
Weapon Possession | |
Vandalism |
For additional information regarding Hudson School District Policies and Procedures, please refer to
Teacher Detention
Teachers can assign students detention after school or during lunch for classroom offenses. These are primarily actions that can be rectified by the detention and do not cause complete disruption of the learning environment. Students will be given 24-hour written notice, when possible, for serving the detentions. Teacher detentions may last until 3:30 p.m. so that students may take the late bus home.
Missing a Teacher Detention
Missing a teacher detention may occur for legitimate reasons from time to time. If this occurs the student must communicate this to the teacher or administrator. The detention may be assigned for another day. The following are NOT reasons for missing an after-school detention:
- Activities and practices
- Athletic games - school or non-school sponsored events
- Getting a ride - students have time prior to a detention to make arrangements
Administrative Office Detention
Administration can assign a student a detention after school for repeated classroom offenses or minor behaviors occurring outside the classroom. Repeat offenses may result in additional consequences. Students will be given 24-hour notice, for serving the detentions. Administrative Office Detentions will last until 3:30 p.m. so that students may take the late bus home.
In-School Suspension (ISS)
In-School Suspension occurs at Hudson Memorial in a supervised classroom. All student work is provided by classroom teachers in order for students to work throughout their day. Lunch is also supervised within that classroom. Students are dismissed from ISS at the end of the regular school day. Students are expected to complete work while in ISS, if additional support is needed, the student must reach out to their teacher to make arrangements.
Out-Of-School Suspension (OSS)
Out-of-School Suspensions require students to stay at home or be picked up if the offense happens in the midst of a school day. All school work will be provided (depending on the length of the suspension) it may be available in the main office within 24 hours. Students are expected to complete work while home on OSS, if additional support is needed, the student must reach out to their teacher to make arrangements.
Discipline and Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities
Students who receive an administrative consequence are not eligible to participate in co-curricular activities or go to school events on that day and any day included in the consequence.
If any pupil, after notice, attends or visits a school which he/she has no right to attend, or shall interrupt or disturb the same, he/she shall for the first offense be guilty of a violation and for any subsequent offense be guilty of a misdemeanor. Notification of R.S.A. 193:15 is posted at all entrances to Hudson Memorial School.
Students on suspension from school or absent from school on a given day are not to be on school property for any reason, at any time of day, unless explicitly allowed to be there by the administration.
Lockers are furnished and maintained by the School District and remain the property of the School District. Students are assigned lockers by the school. Students are responsible for the cleanliness and orderliness of their lockers. Gym lockers are provided for student use during P.E. classes.
Because of the large number of students in the building, it is recommended that students should plan their day so that they go to their lockers as few times as possible. This may result in students taking enough books for two or even three classes at a time.
Special Note: Students may rent a lock for their lockers in the main office. Due to the level of security provided by the lockers, even with locks, it is strongly suggested that hall and/or gym lockers NOT be used to secure money or other valuables.
Locker Search
As a condition of usage of a school locker, students are advised that the school administration reserves the right to inspect a student’s locker, if necessary, to maintain the integrity of the school environment, to protect other students, or to enforce safety regulations.
Students will be assigned disciplinary points when issued any of the following disciplinary actions:
- Four points for each full day of out-of-school suspension
- Three points for each full day of in-school suspension
- Two points for each half day of suspension
- One point for each office detention
- One point for each day of bus suspension
- Half a point for lunch detention
Students who accumulate discipline points during the school year may be excluded from participation in school events. These events include school dances, functions, extra-curricular activities, clubs, intramurals, interscholastic sports, field trips (academic/educational field trips will be considered at the discretion of the supervising teacher/s). Students will be given the opportunity to earn points back throughout the year so they may become eligible to participate in school events. Students can not earn points back toward their participation in the Washington, D.C. trip.
- Students who accumulate 12 disciplinary points in a 30-day period will be found ineligible.
- Students will have a fresh start every 30 school days
- Students who accumulate 30 disciplinary points or more in a 30-day period or are found ineligible in any two 30-day periods will be ineligible for the remainder of the school year.
- PLEASE NOTE: Students sign contracts that describe the requirements for participation on the field trip to Washington, D.C., and other extracurricular activities. Students will be held accountable to the standards listed in those contracts even if they exceed the desciplinary rules outlined above. This includes loss of money that may have already been contributed towards participation in the trips.
- E-cigarettes, vaporizers, and related products
- Items that detract from the learning environment
- Caffeine drinks are strongly discouraged in school.
- Aerosol sprays (Axe body spray, deodorant spray, hairspray, etc.)
- DVDs, MP3s, handheld video games, or any electronic devices, skateboards, laser pointers or collectibles (example - trading cards, comic books), unless approved by administration
- Students are not to sell candy or other items unless it is approved by the administration
- Birthday cakes and balloons
Students are always expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner in school.
It is essential for the learning process that students are expected to dress. While it is not the intention of Hudson Memorial School to dictate or influence the style of clothing worn by students, it is necessary to maintain a balance between student expression and propriety. Students deemed by the administration to be violating the dress code will call their parent/guardian for a change of clothing or clothing will be provided by the school. Repeated offenses of the dress code may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students should dress in accordance with safety rules of the school and the following are considered inappropriate for school, but are not limited to the following, additions can be made at the discretion of administration:
- Any article of clothing, or accessory that contains:
- Profanity
- Guns or Violence of any kind
- Advertising or displaying drugs and/or drug use;
- Advertising or displaying alcohol and/or alcohol use;
- Advertising or displaying tobacco and/or tobacco use;
- Sexual innuendo or innuendo involving drugs, alcohol, or tabacco;
- Which through word or design suggest intolerance or lack of respect to others on the basis of gender, race, religion, or ethnic, social, or economic background or sexual preference;
- Garments that allow bare midriffs or undergarments to show.
- Garments that are sheer enough to see through (including fishnet stockings), or with rips or tears that expose undergarments.
- No blankets in school.
- All chains or straps attached to pants, backpacks or wallets are prohibited.
- Any studded or spiked accessory
- No costume masks, face paint, hoods, wrist bands, or bandannas.
- The collar of a shirt or blouse should be no lower than two inches from the student's collarbone or nape of the neck.
- Shirts must also cover the student's entire torso. Sleeveless shirts and tank tops with "spaghetti straps" or halter-tops are not acceptable.
- Appropriate skirt or short length will be at a mid-hand's length with arms at the side.
The mission of the Hudson School District Food Service Department is to strive to treat all children equally, provide healthy, well-balanced, and reasonably priced meals in a safe and pleasant environment. Good nutrition is essential to the learning process; therefore, we encourage all students to eat well-balanced meals at school, as well as at home.
Checks should be made payable to “Hudson School Food Service,” not the specific school your child attends. Payments may be split between siblings within the same school only. You can also make online payments to your child’s account at For more information please visit our website:
Students requiring meal modifications must have their physician complete a Special Diet Order. These are available in the nurse's office or the office of the Food Service Director.
As always if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Food Service Department by email at or calling (603) 886-1245, M-F 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Karen Atherton
Food Service Director
Using the Library Media Center
- Students are to have a pass from your subject teacher. Only one name will be on each pass.
- All passes are for 10 minutes unless indicated as a research pass by a teachers.
- If the library is full when you arrive, the Librarian will sign your pass and indicate the time on it. You are then to return directly to your classroom and remain there.
One-to-One Computers
The Hudson School District is pleased to offer a one-to-one technology program to all students at HMS. There are responsibilities involved with the use of district-owned laptops which are clearly outlined in the "Student Computers at Hudson School District" packet of information found on our website. If you have questions about one-to-one computing, please contact the main office.
Good Digital Citizenship - Student Agreement
There is a common understanding in the Hudson School District that student use of school devices, the school network, and email is a privilege, not a right. Students may not participate in any online conduct that may constitute a violation of federal and/or state criminal laws relating to cybercrimes: incluing but not limited to "hacking", threatening/harassing email, cyber-stalking, and pornography. More detailed guidelines can be found here: Good Digital Citizenship - Student Agreement. It is understood that school administrators will deem what conduct is inappropriate if such conduct is not specified in that document. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a cancellation of computer privileges at the administrator's discretion. Administration may deny, revoke, or suspend computer/Internet access due to a student's inappropriate use. Students will not interfere with or alter the integrity of the system at-large by impersonating other individuals, attempting to capture or break encryption of passwords, or destroying/altering data or programs belonging to others. Students will be held financially responsible for any vandalism or damage to their assigned or borrowed computer.
Computer use at the Hudson Memorial School has provided students with opportunities to enrich their learning and facilitate instruction. It is our goal that student and teacher use of technology will facilitate learning. The administration, faculty and staff of the Hudson Memorial School will deem what is inappropriate use.
Intramural Sports:
- Volleyball
- Dodgeball
- Kickball
Interscholastic Sports:
Boys | Girls | Co-Ed |
Basketball | Basketball | Cheerleading |
Baseball | Softball | Wrestling |
Soccer | Soccer | |
Track | Track | |
Cross Country | Cross Country | |
Volleyball |
Intramural sports are offered to all students who can participate. These programs consist of dodgeball, cornhole and volleyball. All students should listen to the daily announcements in regard to sign up and practice times for these programs.
All students participating in any interscholastic sport must have a physical exam on file in the Nurse’s office before tryouts. This exam will cover students for their time at Hudson Memorial School.
All students participating in interscholastic or intramural sports may be ineligible from participation for disciplinary reasons including excessive detentions, suspensions, academic or social eligibility. Any athlete possessing, selling, using, or otherwise furnishing or having used a restricted drug, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant will be suspended from school in accordance with our drug abuse policy and suspended from interscholastic competition for the remainder of the season.
Students may not participate in an after-school activity unless present in school on that day. Any student who does not report to school by 11:00 AM or leaves school during the day for reasons of sickness or truancy will not be eligible to participate in or be present for any scheduled after school activity on that date. If an event is scheduled for the weekend, the athlete must be present the Friday before the activity. If a violation becomes known later, the penalty will be enforced at the next practice or game following the disclosure with possible additional penalties.
*Students leaving school for a doctor's appointment can participate with a doctor's note stating the student is cleared to participate in after-school activities.
Extra-Curricular Activities include, but are not limited to: Student Council, Swing Choir, Woodwind Choir, Jazz Band, Drama Club, Art Club, Chess Club, Skiing, Bowling Club, Math Club, Yearbook Club, Destination Imagination, Sewing and Knitting Club. Students will lose the privilege to participate in the extra-curricular activities if they are suspended or found ineligible based on academics, attendance, or discipline.
Student Council (Colts' Council)
The Hudson Memorial School Student Council consists of students from each grade 6-8. The purpose of the Student Council is to encourage and promote “personal responsibility, service to the school and community, and tolerance to all individuals” by fostering better student to student, student to teacher, and student to community relations. This will be achieved through good citizenship, school spirit, and promotion of all school activities in order to unite all into a more positive and productive community.
Field Trips
One-day field trips are taken by all grade levels and topics and locations vary from year to year. These field trips are a required part of the curriculum. As such, all students are expected to attend. Should the need arise, there are scholarships available.
All field trip student rosters are subject to teacher review for eligibility, and all rosters, including chaperone assignments, will be reviewed, and must be approved by the school administration.
Students in grade 8 may have the opportunity to attend a one-week trip to Washington, D.C. in the spring. Students and parents sign a contract that outlines the eligibility requirements necessary to participate on the field trip to Washington, D.C.
Parent Permission Slips
Parents must sign a permission slip before the student will be permitted to participate in school-sponsored educational field trips.
Students are invited to several dances at the school on Friday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Chaperones arrive at 6:15 pm. For safety/supervision reasons, please do not drop your students off before that time. Students found ineligible based on academics, attendance, or discipline or were suspended or absent the day of the dance will not be allowed to attend school dances. The rules for the school dances, including the 8th grade June dance, adhere to all school rules in addition to the following:
- Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
- Doors will close at 7:00 p.m., and no one will be admitted after this time.
- Removal from the dance can result in permanent suspension from all dances.
- No one is permitted to leave the dance once they have entered the building. Students may lose the privilege to attend any future dances if this occurs.
- Refreshments are restricted to the small cafeteria.
- Please make arrangements for transportation home. Students should be picked up promptly at 8:30 p.m. from the dance. Students will not be permitted to walk home. Transportation must be provided.
School Buses
- Students are to board and leave buses in an orderly fashion. Do not run or push near any bus whether it is moving or parked.
- All school rules apply to your behavior on the bus, and at the bus stops. If you do not follow these rules, you may be suspended from the bus and/or school. While on bus suspension you may not use any district transportation.
Bus and Bus Stop Expectations | Bus Consequences |
The bus driver has the right to relocate your seat if you are being unsafe or noncompliant. This may be temporary or permanent. Drivers can submit a Bus Discipline/Communication form to administration. It may result in:
Bus Passes
In emergency circumstances bus passes may be distributed through the Main Office following these guidelines:
- By 8:00am students seeking alternate bus arrangements must submit a signed parent/guardian note with the following information:
- Your student’s name
- Your student's bus number and street address
- The host student’s name
- The host student's bus number and street address
- In emergency circumstances when a note can not be proveded by 8:00am, an email or fax will be accepted with the same information by 12:00pm to the Main Office Secretary.
Activity/Late Bus
The Activity Bus, also known as the “Late Bus” is designed to assist in transporting home those students who remain after school attending an after-school activity. No student will be allowed to ride the “Late Bus” if they have not stayed for an approved activity. There are two buses that service our school. One bus services the area north of the school, called the “North” bus and the other services the area south of the school, called the “South” bus. These buses are not designed to duplicate the regular runs. They are offered only as an option for those who choose to get within a reasonable walking distance of their home. The last buses leave Hudson Memorial School at between 3:45 p.m. and 4:10 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please instruct your student to get off the bus at the closest stop to your home. There is no late bus on Monday and Friday.
Disciplinary Action Governing School Transportation
Acceptable behavior on a school bus and at the bus stop will be the same as that which is acceptable within the confines of a classroom or in any other social school situation. While the policy, with reference to discipline, is one of being firm, fair and consistent, it also contains an aspect of flexibility with regard to the particular situation, grade level of the student and any conditions, which might have to be considered as mitigating circumstances.
Bus infractions will be written up by the bus driver and disciplined by school administration.
Recommendations to Parents/Guardians
- Students are to use the bus stop closest to their home and reach that location without crossing private or underdeveloped property.
- Make appropriate plans so your student(s) arrive at the designated bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the estimated pick-up time.
- Remind your children to respect the property rights of others.
- Instruct your student to be aware of strangers and other suspicious situations. Encourage them to report all problems to the parent, teacher or principal immediately. Instruct your youngsters in all safety precautions.
The PTO is our parent/teacher group which meets for one hour on the third Wednesday, nine times a year, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the library or on Zoom. The purpose of this group is to enhance the educational experience at Hudson Memorial School. There will be multiple volunteer opportunities for parent participation through this organization.
All relevant policies for families and students can be found in the districtwide Student Handbook and Policy Guide that can be found at the link below.
2024-25 Hudson School District Student Handbook and Policy Guide
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