1st HMS Science Bee!!

Photo of student science bee participants with texts 1st HMS Science Bee

As a follow up on today’s 1st HMS Science Bee, we are super excited about how it went! Thank you to all of those who encouraged students to participate, helped to set up/clean up, and those who attended and cheered on the students! Your support was so appreciated!

All eighth grade students took a qualifying quiz and the top 20 students were asked to participate in the Science Bee. Sixth and seventh grade students were invited to take the qualifying examand two sixth graders, one seventh grader, and seventeen eighth graders ultimately qualified and competed in the bee after school on June 1. Over 50 family, friends and staff members attended to cheer on the participants!

The participants answered true/false, multiple choice and eventually open response science questions related to sixth, seventh and eighth grade science content. Since this was our first ever Science Bee, students were granted 1 incorrect answer throughout the bee without a penalty. Students were out the second time they answered a question incorrectly. Not student was eliminated until round 3, and by the end of round 4 we still had half of the students remaining. Many students were surprised at how well they did! Students dropped more quickly during the open response rounds, but it still took 4 open rounds to reach a winner!!

The 1st place winner was Delaney Flanagan from Team 8! She received a trophy, a science prize basket and will be featured in the Colts Newsletter for June. The close runner up was Keira Stangroom from Team 6!

We are so proud of all of them, which was obvious from the frequent and loud applause as each student answered correctly, was eliminated from the bee, and as the bee wrapped up with a winner.

A special shout out to all of the science department teachers for asking their students to participate and administering the Science Bee Qualifier Quiz earlier this year, school ounseling for allowing us to set up in the Library G period by moving their field day plans on short notice, Beth Sloat for use of the library, the custodians for helping set up the chairs in the library, Yojna Mathur for helping both set up/clean up the Science Bee with us and to all the students brave enough to participate when they qualified for the bee this year. We’ve appreciated everyone’s support with this!

Abby Blais & Heather Fillmore