Semester 2 Begins (Maroon Day)
Semester 2 begins today on a maroon day. Expectations for student behavior and academic guidelines can be found in the Student/Family handbook linked below. Most importantly, attending school daily and remaining in the classroom engaged in learning is critical to students' success. Please reach out to your student's teacher(s) or counselor if you have any concerns about your student's academic progress.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) February 7
Students interested in a future in the military have the opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) on 2/7 in the AFJROTC classroom. The ASVAB helps the Department of Defense determine whether someone is a good fit to join the service. The test results also suggest which service branch (e.g., Army, Air Force, etc.) and military career field may be best. Students should sign up in the AHS guidance office. Seating is limited and priority will be given to Juniors & Seniors.
Blood Drive - Tuesday, February 18
On Tuesday, February 18 from 1:00 to 6:00, a blood drive in memory of Nate Morin, son of social studies teacher, Donna Morin, will be held in the JROTC room. Please come out and support this important event. To register ahead go to and type Bronco in the search bar. From there you can choose an available time slot.
This Past Week at Alvirne High School