Monday Morning Message - Jan. 8, 2024

First Delayed Opening

Today is our first 2-hour delayed opening. Please stay safe as you come to school. The schedule is as follows:

Gold Day:

Period 1    9:25-10:25
Period 2    10:30-11:30
Period 3    11:35-1:05
Lunch 1:     11:35-12:00 (Class 12:05-1:05)
Lunch 2:    12:05-12:30 (Class 11:35-12:05, 12:35-1:05)
Lunch 3:    12:40-1:05 (Class 11:35-12:35)
Period 4    1:10-2:10

The Capstone Celebrations will still take place from 3:00-5:00 pm and 6:00-8:00 pm. View the schedule.

Student/Family Handbook Highlight 

Today’s highlight is to remind families about the dismissal process. Proper dismissal procedures are in place and must be followed for the safety of our students. Please review the detailed procedures. For a fully accessible version of the dismissal process, please go to the website and click on the “attendance” tab.

Enjoy the week!
Joyce Wise 
Dean of Academics