10/30/2023 Message from the Dean of Academics

Quarter 1 Ends - November 1

As we wrap up the first quarter of the 2023-2024 school year, this is a great time for you and your student(s) to reflect on Quarter 1 and to set goals for Quarter 2. Some goals that will serve to improve student learning are: to create an effective time management system for completing assignments and preparing for assessments, to seek help when needed (ask questions in class, attend teacher help sessions after school, and/or access the Academic Support Center for math, reading, or writing, to name a few resources), to reduce distractions in and out of class (cell phones and social media), and to adopt a growth mindset. Having ongoing conversations with your student(s) about what is happening in school and in their classes will show students that school is important.

Student/Family Handbook Highlight 

In addition to grades, another way teachers provide feedback to students/families about how their students are performing with regard to Alvirne’s Core Values of Character, Curiosity, Commitment, and Community, is by reporting a “Citizenship” score. To learn more about how the “Citizenship” score is calculated and to view the Citizenship Rubric, please refer to page 7 of the student/family handbook.

Enjoy the week! 

Joyce Wise 
Dean of Academics